In my machine the following D code compiled with release flag and LDC performs over 230ms while the similar Go code performs under 120ms.

string smallestRepr(const string arg) {
        import std.format : format;

        const repeated = format!"%s%s"(arg, arg);
        string result;
        result = arg;
        foreach (i; 1 .. arg.length) {
                const slice = repeated[i .. i + arg.length];
                if (slice < result)
                        result = slice;
        return result;

unittest {
        assert("cba".smallestRepr() == "acb");

void main(const string[] args) {
        string[][const string] wordTable;
        import std.stdio : writeln, lines, File;

        foreach (string word; File(args[1]).lines()) {
                word = word[0 .. $ - 1]; // strip the newline character
                const string key = word.smallestRepr();
                if (key in wordTable)
                        wordTable[key] ~= word;
                        wordTable[key] = [word];

        foreach (key; wordTable.keys) {
                if (wordTable[key].length == 4) {


package main

import (

func canonicalize(s string) string {
        c := s + s[:len(s)-1]
        best := s
        for i := 1; i < len(s); i++ {
                if c[i:i+len(s)] < best {
                        best = c[i : i+len(s)]
        return best

func main() {
        seen := make(map[string][]string)

        inputFile, err := os.Open(os.Args[1])
        defer inputFile.Close()

        if err != nil {

        scanner := bufio.NewScanner(inputFile)

        for scanner.Scan() {
                word := scanner.Text()
                n := canonicalize(word)
                seen[n] = append(seen[n], word)


        for _, words := range seen {
                if len(words) == 4 {
                        fmt.Printf("%v\n", words)


The input file :

Problem description:

Where am I losing performance?

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