I would like to export some functions from my bettec dll for dotnet core application in windows.

Right now I have compiled dll using dmd v2.091.0-dirty simply by ´dub build´

this is the function I have

extern(C) char* test_echo(const(char)* line, size_t len, ref size_t resLen)
    enum format = "{\"message\": \"%s\"}\n";

    auto response = cast(char*)malloc(format.length + len);
    resLen = sprintf(response, format, line);
    return response;

and this is my dotnet core equivalent

[DllImport(DllName, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall)] static extern IntPtr test_echo([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)]string line, ulong len, out ulong resLen);

This works for me in linux but does not in windows, any idea what I'm doing wrong?

This is the output from dotnet core

Unhandled exception. System.EntryPointNotFoundException: Unable to find an entry point named 'test_echo' in DLL 'test.dll'

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