Manjaro/Arch x86_64, dmd v2.091.0, dub 1.19.0.

I have a project which dmd on Windows fails to compile, throwing an OutOfMemoryError[1]. Up until recently it could be worked around by using `--build-mode=singleFile`, but now that's no longer enough and errors out too (on AppVeyor).

The obvious solution is to set `-lowmem` in dub.sdl, but it seems to do nothing, as measured *in Linux* by the amount of memory used with zsh's `time` shell built-in.

If using zsh time, you may need the following environmental variable to get the required output:

TIMEFMT='%J   %U  user %S system %P cpu %*E total
avg shared (code):         %X KB
avg unshared (data/stack): %D KB
total (sum):               %K KB
max memory:                %M MB
page faults from disk:     %F
other page faults:         %R'

A gutted test branch: (has two dependencies)
git clone -b lowmem

1. `dub build` on a default configuration without -lowmem defined shows some ~2011 Mb used. 2. If I run dub with -v, then copy the dmd command it runs and execute it manually, I get the same ~2012 Mb used. Close enough, makes sense. 3. `dub build -c lowmem` for an identical configuration but with dflags "-lowmem" added, nothing changes and I still get ~2011 Mb used. 4. If I run dub with -v on the lowmem configuration and copy/paste *the same command it ran*, unmodified, I suddenly get the more expected ~1183 Mb used.


-lowmem is visibly present in the dmd command listed with -v, but it seems to do nothing through dub.

How? Why?

dub remove lu --version="*"
dub remove dialect --version="*"


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