On Saturday, 25 April 2020 at 18:52:45 UTC, Andre Pany wrote:

How do you call dub test causing the issue? Maybe there is a difference in the configuration/build type.

I'm sorry I didn't follow.

You mean like:

"dub test"


I dont pass anything to the -b or -c flag if that's what you mean?

Also a side remark. You cannot use the output of dmd when colouring is on. Dmd lies because the backticks used for colouring are not shown. But without them, regex search is failing.

Yeah, that's a good tip. This output is because of a static assert in the sumtype library.

I also wonder whether dub Dustmite should be enhanced to search for a plain text too. Because while using regex search there might be characters which have a regex meaning while user just want a simple text search. This could also cause issues.

Kind regards

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