On Thursday, 30 April 2020 at 13:23:25 UTC, Paul Backus wrote:
On Thursday, 30 April 2020 at 13:04:47 UTC, Casey wrote:
Here's a minimal code example that duplicates the issue:

import std.array, std.range, std.stdio, std.traits, std.string;

auto readStream(Range)(auto ref Range r) if (isInputRange!(Unqual!Range))
        struct StreamRange(Range)
                alias R = Unqual!Range;
                R _input;

                auto buff = appender!string;

Using a default value like this means that it will be shared among all instances of the struct. Instead, you should set `buff = appender!string` in the constructor, so that each struct will have its own appender.

Yup, that's the one. No need to assign it at all, in fact - the line can be replaced with

    Appender!string buff;

And things just work.


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