On Thursday, 21 May 2020 at 04:46:02 UTC, data pulverizer wrote:
I'd like to pass kernel functions using:

auto calculateKernelMatrix(K, T)(K!(T) Kernel, Matrix!(T) data)


and call it using `calculateKernelMatrix(myKernel, myData);` but I get a type deduction error and have to call it using `calculateKernelMatrix!(typeof(myKernel), float)(myKernel, myData);`

How do I resolve this?

The problem is that "K" is a template type parameter [1].
When the compiler deduces the parameter that ends up with a symbol, i.e not a type. To permit a symbol to be deduced you can use a template alias parameter[2] instead:

struct Matrix(T) {}
struct Kernel(T) {}

void calculateKernelMatrix(alias K, T)(K!T kernel, Matrix!T data) { }

void main()
    Matrix!float m;
    Kernel!float k;
    calculateKernelMatrix(k,m); // OK

However I think that there could be an useful error message, as the current one is of no usefulness. Note that maybe that under the hood there's one but the compiler uses a system of gagging when trying uncertain operations, so that other things can be tried, in case of failure.

[1] https://dlang.org/spec/template.html#template_type_parameters
[2] https://dlang.org/spec/template.html#aliasparameters

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