I've been tracking down a hang in our pilot app. Using writeln,
it appears to hang at newing a slice. After many hours of trying
things, I discovered that program flow would continue past that
point when I inserted a call to `GC.collect()` just before. Then
it stalled again at a call to Win32 `SetMenu()`. Again, inserting
`GC.collect()` before that made the problem go away.
This band-aid isn't going to scale in the long run. I feel I'm
treating symptoms, and wonder what the cause is. Any ideas?
I know the GC is not disabled somehow because if I print
`GC.profileStats()`, I see that there are collections even
without my explicit calls to `GC.collect()`.
- App hangs, GC.collect() fixet... Bastiaan Veelo via Digitalmars-d-learn