On 02/10/2011 02:39 PM, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
On Thu, 10 Feb 2011 07:59:06 -0500, spir <denis.s...@gmail.com> wrote:


Implicite deref of struct pointers on member access works fine for data,
methods, even special methods with language semantics like opEquals (see
example below).
But I cannot have 'in' work with method opIn_r. I get:
Error: rvalue of in expression must be an associative array, not S*
What do I have wrong? Or is it a bug: the compiler does not even search the
struct for opIn_r? But then, why does it do it for opEquals?


struct S {
int i;
void show() { writeln(i); }
const bool opEquals (ref const(S) s) {
return (i == s.i);
bool opIn_r (int j) { return (i==j); }
unittest {
S* sp = &(S(1));
S s2 = S(1);
writeln(sp == s2);
writeln(1 in sp);

There is a bug in the compiler that the message says associative array is
required. There is a bugzilla issue somewhere on that...

But it does look like it should work, I'd file a separate bugzilla on the
opIn_r not working.

Content reproduced below; tell me please if the description is (not) ok.


Issue 5558 - opIn_r not detected as method for 'in' in pointed struct

In a struct, opIn_r is not detected by the compiler as beeing the method implementing the operator 'in'. Example:

struct S {
    int i;
    void show() { writeln(i); }
    const bool opEquals (ref const(S) s) {
        return (i == s.i);
    bool opIn_r (int j) { return (i==j); }
unittest {
    S* sp = &(S(1));

    S s2 = S(1);
    writeln(sp == s2);
    writeln(1 in s2);

    // error:
    writeln(1 in sp);
    Error: rvalue of in expression must be an associative array, not S*

This concerns opIn_r on pointed struct only; the other struct members of the structn and the not-pointed one are only here to contrast: * Data members, regular methods and even "language methods" like opEquals are correctly taken into account on a struct, even via implicite deref. * opIn_r is correctly detected as implementing 'in' on a non-pointed or explicitely dereferenced struct.

Thus, the code works fine if one comments out the very last line.

Waiting for a fix, the error message should be corrected to eg:
    Error: right operand of 'in' operation must be an associative array
           or implement the operator 'in' via method opIn_r

vita es estrany

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