On 02/10/2011 08:22 PM, Jesse Phillips wrote:
Nrgyzer Wrote:

Hey guys,

I'm trying to iterate over an enumeration which contains strings like
the this:

enum FileName : string {
file1 = "file1.ext",
file2 = "file2.ext"

I already found this article: http://lists.puremagic.com/pipermail/
digitalmars-d/2007-July/021920.html but it's an enum which contains
integers instead of strings, thus I can't use min- or max-property.

Any suggestions ->  thanks in advance!

I'll just be leaving this here, if you need more explanation ask, but maybe 
you'll understand:

import std.stdio;

enum FileName : string {
file1 = "file1.ext",
file2 = "file2.ext"

void main(string args[])
     foreach(a; __traits(allMembers, FileName))
         writeln(mixin("FileName." ~ a));

Why the mixin? Is it (just) to have the output string computed at compile-time?

vita es estrany

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