On Tue, Jun 30, 2020 at 04:22:57PM +0000, JN via Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:
> Spent some time debugging because I didn't notice it at first,
> essentially something like this:
> int[3] foo = [1, 2, 3];
> foo = 5;
> writeln(foo);   // 5, 5, 5
> Why does such code compile? I don't think this should be permitted,
> because it's easy to make a mistake (when you wanted foo[index] but
> forgot the []).  If someone wants to assign a value to every element
> they could do foo[] = 5; instead which is explicit.

File a bug?

I suspect that one potential reason is that nasty misfeature of static
arrays implicitly converting to a slice of itself, so `foo = 5;` is in
some sense being translated as `foo[] = 5;`.

(And on that note, this implicit static -> dynamic array conversion is
seriously a nasty misfeature that ought to be killed with fire. It leads
to bugs like this:

        struct Database {
                int[] data;
                void set(int[] _data) {
                        data = _data;
        void myFunc(ref Database db) {
                int[3] x;
                db.set(x);      // oops


Once the bikeshed is up for painting, the rainbow won't suffice. -- Andrei 

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