On 7/1/20 11:57 AM, Nathan S. wrote:
On Tuesday, 30 June 2020 at 16:22:57 UTC, JN wrote:
Spent some time debugging because I didn't notice it at first, essentially something like this:

int[3] foo = [1, 2, 3];
foo = 5;
writeln(foo);   // 5, 5, 5

Why does such code compile? I don't think this should be permitted, because it's easy to make a mistake (when you wanted foo[index] but forgot the []). If someone wants to assign a value to every element they could do foo[] = 5; instead which is explicit.

What's your opinion on using that syntax in the initial declaration, like `float[16] foo = 0`?

It's important to keep at least something that allows such setting. It would be reasonable to do this with a function as well.

Is it possible to have the initialization syntax work differently from the assignment (i.e. allow the initialization as above, but require the brackets for assignment)?


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