On Tuesday, 7 July 2020 at 00:20:40 UTC, solidstate1991 wrote:
See implementation of data structure here: https://github.com/ZILtoid1991/collections-d/blob/master/source/collections/treemap.d#L565

If I try to compile this code, it'll fail, limiting it's usecase:

@safe pure unittest {
        alias IntMap = TreeMap!(int, int, false);
        IntMap test;
        test[5] = 5;
        test[7] = 7;
        test[3] = 3;
        foreach(elem, key; test) {
                assert(elem == key);

You can make opApply a template:

    int opApply(Dg)(Dg dg)
        if (is(Dg : scope int delegate(ref E)))
        // etc.

Because `scope int delegate(ref E) @safe` implicitly converts to `scope int delegate(ref E)`, this version will accept both @safe and non-@safe delegates. (And likewise for the other function attributes.)

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