On Tuesday, 14 July 2020 at 19:04:45 UTC, tastyminerals wrote:
I am trying to implement standard deviation calculation in Mir for benchmark purposes. I have two implementations. One is the straightforward std = sqrt(mean(abs(x - x.mean())**2)) and the other follows Welford's algorithm for computing variance (as described here: https://www.johndcook.com/blog/standard_deviation/).

However, although the first implementation should be less efficient / slower, the benchmarking results show a startling difference in its favour. I'd like to understand if I am doing something wrong and would appreciate some explanation.

# Naive std
import std.math : abs;
import mir.ndslice;
import mir.math.common : pow, sqrt, fastmath;
import mir.math.sum : sum;
import mir.math.stat : mean;

@fastmath private double sd0(T)(Slice!(T*, 1) flatMatrix)
    pragma(inline, false);
    if (flatMatrix.empty)
        return 0.0;
    double n = cast(double) flatMatrix.length;
    double mu = flatMatrix.mean;
return (flatMatrix.map!(a => (a - mu).abs ^^ 2).sum!"fast" / n).sqrt;

# std with Welford's variance
@fastmath double sdWelford(T)(Slice!(T*, 1) flatMatrix)
    pragma(inline, false);
    if (flatMatrix.empty)
        return 0.0;

    double m0 = 0.0;
    double m1 = 0.0;
    double s0 = 0.0;
    double s1 = 0.0;
    double n = 0.0;
    foreach (x; flatMatrix.field)
        m1 = m0 + (x - m0) / n;
        s1 = s0 + (x - m0) * (x - m1);
        m0 = m1;
        s0 = s1;
    // switch to n - 1 for sample variance
    return (s1 / n).sqrt;


Naive std (1k loops):
  std of [60, 60] matrix 0.001727
  std of [300, 300] matrix 0.043452
  std of [600, 600] matrix 0.182177
  std of [800, 800] matrix 0.345367

std with Welford's variance (1k loops):
  std of [60, 60] matrix 0.0225476
  std of [300, 300] matrix 0.534528
  std of [600, 600] matrix 2.0714
  std of [800, 800] matrix 3.60142

It would be helpful to provide a link.

You should only need one accumulator for mean and centered sum of squares. See the python example under the Welford example
This may have broken optimization somehow.

variance and standardDeviation were recently added to mir.math.stat. They have the option to switch between Welford's algorithm and the others. What you call as the naive algorithm, is VarianceAlgo.twoPass and the Welford algorithm can be toggled with VarianceAlgo.online, which is the default option. It also would be interesting if you re-did the analysis with the built-in mir functions.

There are some other small differences between your implementation and the one in mir, beyond the issue discussed above. You take the absolute value before the square root and force the use of sum!"fast". Another difference is VarianceAlgo.online in mir is using a precise calculation of the mean rather than the fast update that Welford uses. This may have a modest impact on performance, but should provide more accurate results.

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