I have written something which may or may not be novel and I’m wondering about how to distribute it to as many users as possible, hoping others will find it useful. What’s the best way to publish a D routine ?

It is called
    void assume( bool condition ) nothrow nogc safe

for example:
    assume( x < 100 );
    assume( y != 0 );

It generates no code at all, but t does tell the gdc compiler that the given condition is true and so later code generation may assume that truth in all code generation. So for example, given the assumes above,
    if ( x==200)
is false and no code is generated for the if-true basic block.

It might look a bit like assert but it isn’t the same thing. I think assert is disabled in full release build and is only there in debug mode, is that correct? Also assert generates code in that it calls panic or hits a ud2 or whatever, whereas assume is also zero code.

Does anyone know if this has already been published by someone else?

Unfortunately at the moment it only works with gdc as it relies on functions that are gdc-specific for its implementation. However I could use conditional compilation to simply set up a null implementation for other compilers.

I’d like to get it implemented with ldc if I can.

If anyone would like to give assume a try with gdc, then shout and I’ll try and find some way of getting it to you easily.

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