On Mon, Aug 10, 2020 at 12:20 AM Per Nordlöw via Digitalmars-d-learn <
digitalmars-d-learn@puremagic.com> wrote:
> Is cross-module-inlining enabled by default in LDC when compiling
> in release mode or do I have to use explicitly flag for it? I
> can't find any such flag from the output of neither
>      ldc2 -h
> nor
>      ldmd2 -h
> Johan Engelen mentioned this, then experimental, flag in his
> DConf talk from 2017 [1]
> [1] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IZY67TBZ0V4

ldc2 --help-hidden | grep cross
  --disable-demotion                                              - Clone
multicolor basic blocks but do not demote cross scopes
 * --enable-cross-module-inlining=<value>                          - (*)
Enable cross-module function inlining (default disabled)*
  --iterative-counter-promotion                                   - Allow
counter promotion across the whole loop nest.
  --jump-threading-across-loop-headers                            - Allow
JumpThreading to thread across loop headers, for testing
  --licm-n2-threshold=<int>                                       - How
many instruction to cross product using AA
  --lsr-backedge-indexing                                         - Enable
the generation of cross iteration indexed memops
    =cross-dso-cfi                                                -
    =cross-dso-cfi                                                -
  --split-dwarf-cross-cu-references                               - Enable
cross-cu references in DWO files

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