On Tuesday, 1 September 2020 at 02:08:54 UTC, JG wrote:
Is there anyway to remove the boilerplate code of dealing with tuples:

I find myself having to write things like this fairly often

auto someRandomName = f(...); //where f returns a tuple with two parts
auto firstPart = someRandomName[0];
auto secondPart = someRandomName[1];

I like using the following snippet for this kind of thing:

    /// Pass the members of a tuple as arguments to a function
    template unpack(alias fun)
        import std.typecons: isTuple;

        auto unpack(T)(T args)
            if (isTuple!T)
            return fun(args.expand);

Usage looks like this:

    f(...).unpack!((firstPart, secondPart) {
        // use firstPart and secondPart in here

It also works very well in range pipelines; for example,

    auto nums = [1, 2, 3];
    auto animals = ["lion", "tiger", "bear"];

    zip(nums, animals)
.map!(unpack!((num, animal) => animal.repeat(num).joiner(" ")))

...which prints the output:

    tiger tiger
    bear bear bear

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