I tried to use a function from a library written in C++ in D. I've been trying to use it in D. But I got an error in LNK2019 and the build failed.

So I created a simple static library as follows and built it.

#pragma once

#include <windows.h>

namespace static_test {
        void str_test(LPCSTR str)
                MessageBoxA(NULL, str, NULL, MB_OK);

        void wstr_test(LPCWSTR str)
                MessageBoxW(NULL, str, NULL, MB_OK);

        void rect_test(RECT rect)

import core.sys.windows.windows;
import std.utf;

extern (C++, "static_test") {
        nothrow @nogc
        extern void str_test(LPCSTR str1);

        nothrow @nogc
        extern void wstr_test(LPCWSTR str1);

        nothrow @nogc
        void rect_test(RECT rect);

void main()
        str_test(toUTFz!(const char*)("test"));

        // error LNK2019

        // error LNK2019

The LNK2019 error still occurred.
I'm guessing that the reason for the error is that the type declared in C++ is different from the type declared in D. But I'm not sure how to fix it.

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