On Thursday, 17 September 2020 at 16:00:33 UTC, wjoe wrote:
I found this [1] but unfortunately the post this refers to is a dead link and the content, unfortunately, didn't tell me anything that I didn't already find in the docs.

What I can get from the form is the form fields with content, the field name for the file upload and the file name. But the file name is useless to me because I need the file content.

Where is it stored ?

[1] https://aberba.com/2017/multiple-file-upload-in-vibe-d/

hi, you can access HTTPServerRequest.files which contains the uploaded file.

Example in real code: https://github.com/WebFreak001/ImageUploader/blob/master/source/app.d#L141-L159

Documentation: https://vibed.org/api/vibe.inet.webform/FilePart

Note: the file is only downloaded from the client / stored on disk once you access the files or the form property, though this isn't documented.

I don't believe the temp file behavior is customizable as it is hardcoded here to write to a temporary file (which is called on form parsing): https://github.com/vibe-d/vibe.d/blob/ebebfa827f568cc9bced4bec2b66edc043a8adf7/inet/vibe/inet/webform.d#L311

However if you really wanted to (but I'd advise against it) you could parse the form data from the HTTPServerRequest.bodyReader yourself

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