On 22/9/20 15:04, claptrap wrote:

The thread title is...

"Why private methods cant be virtual?"

IE Not...

"how do I override private functions in a non-polymorphic manner."

And what you suggest wont work because I was asking about virtual functions, so I specifically want polymorphism. And FWIW it's no big deal I can just use protected, i wasn't looking for a solution, I was looking for an explanation as to why it was done that way. But apparently there is none.

TL;DR: Wouldn't `package` [1] visibility probably be a better option in any case?

Long Answer:

My guess is that this was taken from Java, as in fact most of the D class system seems to be (see `synchronized`, reference semantics, etc). There it makes sense, because there is only one class per compilation unit, so the `private` members are in effect hidden from any child classes and it wouldn't make sense to override them.

The different (and to me still confusing, but I understand the reasoning behind it) factor in D is that the encapsulation unit is the module, not the class. Hence, you can have multiple classes in the same module inheriting from each other.

These classes can then access the private members of the parent, but not override it, which as you say is somewhat strange.

I personally would rather have the class as the encapsulation unit for classes, and then this point would be moot, but I come mostly from Java, so that might just be my bias, and, as I said, I understand there are also good reasons to keeps the module as the common encapsulation unit.

Still, I think that when you design a class, if you declare something as `private` means that it's an internal implementation detail that you don't want to expose, much less any child class to override.

In fact, to allow only the classes in the same module to override a private method looks to me like code smell. You likely have good reasons to do it, but, even if it were possible, I would probably try to do it in a way where the intent is clearer, either through `protected` or `package` visibility... the latter has the added benefit that you can split the module later if needed.


[1]: https://dlang.org/spec/attribute.html#visibility_attributes

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