There are really two questions here, one that I intended to ask and one that came out while I was trying to figure out the answer. Consider this simple code:

module foo;

struct Foo
  private int _x;

  int x() const
    return _x;

If I have an instance of Foo outside of the module I can read the value of _x using the property method x, but I can only modify it from inside the module using the name _x. This is exactly the kind of encapsulation that I often want, but I'm wondering if this could be improved a little.

It would be nice if I didn't have to remember if I need to use _x or x depending on the context. Instead I would like to use only one name, say x, from both inside and outside of the module and have compiler complain if I'm trying to modify it from the outside.

My naive attempt was this:

import std : writeln;

private int _x;

private ref int x() return
  writeln("ref int");
  return _x;

int x() const
  return _x;

At first I didn't even expect this to compile, but it does and I can call these methods. I believe an overload is chosen based on the type qualifier of a Foo instance. What is truly unexpected is that if I call x on a mutable object even outside of the module, then the first overload is called!

So my questions are:

1. Can I achieve my original goal of being able to refer to _x by one name, so that I have read only access from outside the module and read/write access from inside? 2. Is the behavior that allows me to call the private method intended? This is such a blatant violation of encapsulation that it feels like a bug either in the language or the implementation.

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