I remember I used to able to build this package:


but now, I cannot.

Since that package haven't changed for 2 years, maybe it's a dub bug?

System information

$ uname -a
Linux 4.15.0-117-generic #118-Ubuntu SMP Fri Sep 4 20:02:41 UTC 2020 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

$ /usr/bin/dub --version
DUB version 1.23.0, built on Sep 27 2020

$ /usr/bin/dmd --version
DMD64 D Compiler v2.094.0
Copyright (C) 1999-2020 by The D Language Foundation, All Rights Reserved written by Walter Bright

$  /usr/bin/dub build -v
Using dub registry url 'https://code.dlang.org/'
Refreshing local packages (refresh existing: true)...
Looking for local package map at /var/lib/dub/packages/local-packages.json
No valid package found in current working directory: Enforcement failed
Enforcement failed

Bug Description

Enforcement failed
How to reproduce?

git clone https://github.com/AntonMeep/profdump

cd profdump

dub build



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