On 9/29/20 10:08 AM, Frak wrote:
Hi folks,

I've this:

/Users/frak/dlang/ldc-1.23.0/bin/../import/std/traits.d(3711): Deprecation: function `std.typecons.Nullable!long.Nullable.get_` is deprecated - Implicit conversion with `alias Nullable.get this` will be removed after 2.096. Please use `.get` explicitly.

I'm trying to find out WHERE this is generated to fix it, dependency included, without success.


I've just ported my code to 2.094 and had to clean up that issue. Luckily, in my case they were all in user code. I had to access my Nullable objects with .get:

  if (n) {
    // n.foo();    <-- from
    n.get.foo();   <-- to

So, look at all your Nullable objects maybe.


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