On Tuesday, 27 October 2020 at 15:16:33 UTC, Marcone wrote:
Becouse my program use plink.exe running with spawnShell or executeShell. But when my program finish with some crash, or killed with windows task manager by user, Plink still running. How can I stop all process initialized with spawnShell or executeShell when program finish? I another works, how can I make plink.exe only lives when program is running?

IMHO, your d program cannot have direct control over a spawned process. However, I suggest a road map for you, although I am not sure if it works.

- I don't know if d has something like C's expect [1] library, but you will need a similar thing. Basically, It spawns processes and handles their stdout. Maybe you can just wrap libexpect in D.

- Assuming you have "expect" running in D, you can spawn "tasklist" [2] and somehow filter out (I recall that it can be done with expect using a struct like a regex on stdout) its stdout to determine the PID number [2] of the process that you want to kill at the end of the program.

- then, in your main:
void main(){

scope(exit){ // maybe you should also be aware of scope(success) and scope(failure) killPlink(); // spawn another process: "Taskkill /PID 26356 /F"
1: http://npg.dl.ac.uk/MIDAS/manual/ActiveTcl8.4.9.0-html/expect/libexpect.3.html 2: https://tweaks.com/windows/39559/kill-processes-from-command-prompt/

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