Hi All,

Request your help on the below code, the requirement is that result's are stored in one single container.

import asdf;
import std.algorithm: map;
import std.container.array;
import std.stdio: writeln;
import std.typecons: Tuple, tuple;
import std.range: lockstep;

auto api1()
 string apidata1 = `{"items": [

Array!(Tuple!(string, string, string)) data1 = parseJson(apidata1)["items"].byElement
                             .map!(item => tuple(
item["name"].get!string("default"), item["hostname"].get!string("default"), item["pool"].get!string("default")
 return data1[];

auto api2()
 string apidata2 = `{"items": [

Array!(Tuple!(string, string)) data2 = parseJson(apidata2)["items"].byElement
                             .map!(item => tuple(
item["hostname"].get!string("default"), item["type"].get!string("default")
 return data2[];

auto api3()
 string apidata3 = `{"items": [

Array!(Tuple!(string, string)) data3 = parseJson(apidata3)["items"].byElement
                                .map!(item => tuple(
item["type"].get!string("default"), item["location"].get!string("default")
 return data3[];

void main()
 auto apidata1 = api1;
 auto apidata2 = api2;
 auto apidata3 = api3;
 if(!apidata1.empty) {
    foreach(ref x , y; lockstep(apidata1[], apidata2[])) {
       if(x[1] == y[0]){
writeln(y[1]); // the output needs to be merged with apidata1
 if(!apidata2.empty) {
    foreach(ref x, y; lockstep(apidata2[], apidata3[])) {
       if(x[1] == y[0]) {
writeln(y[1]); // the output needs to be merged with apidata1
writeln(apidata1[]); // Should contain(name,hostname,pool,type,location)


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