On Thursday, 19 November 2020 at 00:07:12 UTC, Dibyendu Majumdar wrote:
I have simple test program:

import core.stdc.stdio : printf;

void test() {
    int* a;
    printf("a == null %d\n", a == null);

int function() fp = test;

extern (C) void main() {

Why do I get:

\d\dmd-2.092.1\windows\bin64\dmd.exe -betterC tests.d
tests.d(5): Error: printf cannot be interpreted at compile time, because it has no available source code

This is on Windows

IMO another problem here is that `function` and `delegate` are special cases of the `*` postfix. With a syntax like

    int()* fp = test

it would be more obvious to new comers that `&` is missing.
This is a syntax I experiment in STYX for example [1].

Note that then there's also the problem with functions pointers requiring a context. This context is not necessarily a `this` (for closures it's a frame obviously).

[1] https://gitlab.com/basile.b/styx/-/blob/master/tests/backend/function_pointers.sx#L10

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