On 02/19/2011 02:42 PM, Nrgyzer wrote:
== Auszug aus Stewart Gordon (smjg_1...@yahoo.com)'s Artikel
On 13/02/2011 21:49, Nrgyzer wrote:
It compiles and works as long as the returned char-array/string of f.readLine() 
contain non-UTF8 character(s). If it contains such chars, writeln() doesn't 
anything to the console. Is there any chance to read such files?
Please post sample input that shows the problem, and the output generated by 
replacing the
writeln call with
      writefln("%s", cast(ubyte[]) convertToUTF8(f.readLine()));
so that we can see what it is actually reading in.

My file contains the following:


Now... and with writefln("%s", cast(ubyte[]) convertToUTF8(f.readLine())); I 
get the following:

[195, 131, 164]
[195, 131, 182]
[195, 131, 188]

At first sight, I find your input strange. Actually, it looks like utf-8 (195 is common when representing converted latin text). But having 3 times (195, 131) which is the code for 'Ã' is weird. What is your source text, what is its encoding, and where does it come from? What don't you /start/ and tell us about that?

vita es estrany

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