On 01/12/2020 7:39 PM, z wrote:
On Tuesday, 1 December 2020 at 04:50:03 UTC, rikki cattermole wrote:

What puzzles me is that the dependencies are indeed declared, but "dub describe" refuses to recognize the dependencies and "dub build" fails. "dub list" does recognize the root folder, but trying to get a subpackage to import another fails because the dependency isn't imported.(dmd only sees the "source" and phobos/runtime import paths)

The root dub.sdl roughly contains this :
name "fldr"
dependencies "fldr:spkg1" "fldr:spkg2" "fldr:spkg3" // tried with and without "fldr:"

That isn't right.

dependency "fldr:spkg1" version="*"
dependency "fldr:spkg2" version="*"
dependency "fldr:spkg3" version="*"

subPackage "./spkg1/"
subPackage "./spkg2/"
subPackage "./spkg3/"

targetType "none"

That probably isn't what you want. Either library or executable.
Either that, or you shouldn't be adding the dependencies.

While for example, "spkg3"'s dub.sdl contains this :
name "spkg3"
dependencies "fldr:spkg2"

dependency "fldr:spkg2" version="*"

  And its source/*.d file contains this :
import std.stdio, fldr.spkg2; //tried with and without "fldr."
void main() {writeln(«function from spkg2»)}

Don't forget to specify the module name. Every file should declare its module full package + module name.

So in this case ``module fldr.spkg2;``.

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