On Saturday 19 February 2011 12:07:40 Russel Winder wrote:
> On Sat, 2011-02-19 at 04:55 -0800, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
> [ . . . ]
> > I don't know anything about SCons. However, you _can_ use dmd to link if
> > you want to (though that doesn't always work, since not all linker flags
> > make it through safely; e.g., -L-static), so you shouldn't normally
> > actually need to use gcc, even if you're doing incremental builds.
> I'll have a play with using DMD as the driver for all stages.
> > Now, if you need to use gcc for whatever reason, then you're going to
> > need to either duplicate the flags in dmd.conf or parse it out. If it's
> > just for you, then duplicating it would make sense. However, since
> > dmd.conf is intended to be able to be tweaked by whoever is using it
> > (adjusting where the libraries, adding extra flags, whatever), if the
> > SCons D tool is supposed to know what flags to use, and it's supposed to
> > work on anyone's computer, then it's going to need to parse out
> > dmd.conf. Otherwise, it won't be correct on the machine of anyone who
> > doesn't use the default configuration.
> > 
> > But as I said, I know nothing about SCons, so I don't know what the best
> > way to handle it is.
> Actually I think your summary works very well :-)
> I will look to replace all the hardwired replication of information with
> a simple parse of the configuration file.  The hard question is: where
> is the configuration file?

Well, the dmd page very explicitly lays out the various places that the 
file (or sc.ini file on Windows) will be looked for and in what order (since 
could also be a dmd.conf in multiple places, and it needs to use the same one 
that dmd would).

> The problem I have here is that I have 64-bit Ubuntu, 64-bit Ubuntu,
> 64-bit Mac OS X and 32-bit Mac OS X but nothing else.which means I can
> only really develop 50% of the plugin.  I really need a Windows person
> to work with to co-develop this.

I know the feeling. At least you have Mac OS X. Wine could help you fill in the 
gaps though.

- Jonathan M Davis

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