On Wednesday, 16 December 2020 at 04:17:13 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
On Tuesday, 15 December 2020 at 22:04:12 UTC, Dave P. wrote:

Mangling does not play any role in passing and calling function pointers between D and C. It only plays a role in linking and loading. You can declare function pointers in D and C without any name whatsoever.

What matters is that both sides agree on the number and type of parameters accepted by the function that's pointed to, and that they both agree on the calling convention. I don't believe extern(C) has any effect on templated functions. However, the D calling convention is defined to be identical to the C calling convention on the host system for everything except Windows x86.

Oh interesting, so I only need extern(C) for declaring symbols I’m linking to and for symbols I want to export to C. I had sort of assumed that D might have different calling conventions for different things, but that makes things a lot easier.

So theoretically, you should be able to pass a pointer to a templated free function to C as long as the types in the functions parameter list match those the C function expects. I don't know if I'd do that myself, though.


There's no such thing as C name mangling. C functions are *not* mangled (though some platforms do prepend an underscore to symbol names). What extern(C) does is to turn off D name mangling.

Yeah, I was playing a bit loose with the terminology and referring to the
leading underscore.

So what you're asking for is a way to retain the D name mangling on an extern C function. The way to do that is with `pragma(mangle, "new_name")`. To match the original D function mangling, declare the function first without extern(C) and print `func.mangleof`. Use that as the parameter to pragma(mangle).

I can't imagine any benefit you'd get from doing that, though.


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