On Saturday, 19 December 2020 at 12:52:54 UTC, Виталий Фадеев wrote:
    size_t pos = findRegexBackward( r"abc"d );
    assert( pos == 4 );

module LastOccurrence;

size_t findRegexBackward_1 (dstring s, dstring pattern)
   import std.regex : matchAll;
   auto results = matchAll (s, pattern);
   if (results.empty)
      throw new Exception ("could not match");
   size_t siz;
   foreach (rm; results)
      siz = rm.pre.length;
   return siz;

size_t findRegexBackward_2 (dstring s, dstring pattern)
// this does not work with irreversible patterns ...
   import std.regex : matchFirst;
   import std.array : array;
   import std.range: retro;
   auto result = matchFirst (s.retro.array, pattern.retro.array);
   if (result.empty)
      throw new Exception ("could not match");
   return result.post.length;

unittest {
   import std.exception : assertThrown;
static foreach (f; [&findRegexBackward_1, &findRegexBackward_2]) {
      assert (f ("abc3abc7", r""d) == 8);
      assert (f ("abc3abc7", r"abc"d) == 4);
      assertThrown (f ("abc3abc7", r"abx"d));
      assert (f ("abababababab", r"ab"d) == 10);
  • find regex in backward... Виталий Фадеев via Digitalmars-d-learn
    • Re: find regex in... kdevel via Digitalmars-d-learn

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