On 12/22/20 10:53 AM, Rekel wrote:> On Tuesday, 22 December 2020 at 16:56:18 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:
>> >    [4]Foo b; /* an array of four Foos */
>> [4] already has a meaning. ;)
> It  does in that context? Do tell, I'm unaware.

An array literal with a single int element 4:

  pragma(msg, typeof([4]));

prints int[].

> Also, is it possible to move entire thread to a different forum group? 😂
> This feels more like a discussion fit for 'general'.

I've seen others "cross reference" to other threads perhaps by CC'ing the other newsgroup as well. (In case it's not obvious, these are newsgroups with a "forum" interface.)


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