On Thursday, 24 December 2020 at 10:33:00 UTC, Dmitriy Asondo wrote:
The idea is to store somewhere services (classes) first and only when the app need - instantiate services for app/thread/http-request (as option) and provide values to constructors via DI

There's `Object.factory`, which constructs a class instance from a fully-qualified name:


But IIRC there are issues with it in some cases and I believe it's supposed to be deprecated at some point.

I'd just give the classes an interface and use function pointers to construct them:

interface IService { ... }

alias ServiceMaker = IService function();

ServiceMaker[string] serviceRegistry;

class FooService : IService { ... }
IService makeFooService() { return new FooService(); }

void registerServices() {
    serviceRegistry["FooService"] = &makeFooService;

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