On Sunday, 3 January 2021 at 02:17:43 UTC, frame wrote:
Besides the problem with equal values, what's wrong with that:

alias Thing = Tuple!(int, int);
enum Wind {
    A = Thing(0, 1),
    B = Thing(0, 2),
    C = Thing(0, 2)

void some_function(Wind w) {
    switch (w.hashOf) {
    case Wind.B.hashOf:


void main() {
    writefln("%d%d", Wind.C.expand);

I haven't used hashOf before, though assuming no equal values, which I generally wouldn't do, I take it this is reliable? I haven't tried it before, and I dont know how to effectively compare it to using 'switch(w.to!string)' & 'case Wind.B.stringof' (regarding speed/reliability).

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