On Monday, 4 January 2021 at 15:39:50 UTC, ludo456 wrote:
Listening to the first visioconf of the Dconf 2020, titled Destroy All Memory Corruption, (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XQHAIglE9CU) Walter talks about not using exceptions any more in the future. He says something like "this is where languages are going" [towards no using exceptions any more].

I don't think exceptions are going anywhere. It might be that new libraries tend to avoid them (to work with @nothrow and @live), but there is no reason to banish them from the whole language - that would only result in huge breakage for limited benefit.

And I suspect Walter didn't mean all code -just the relatively low-level stuff that might want to use `@live`. Even if he did, community will force him to reconsider.

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