On 1/13/21 1:22 PM, apz28 wrote:
core.exception.InvalidMemoryOperationError@src\core\exception.d(647): Invalid memory operation

I've struggled with this as well. It doesn't even tell you the original usage point that causes the exception.

I believe stack traces are disabled from printing on this because of the fact that it needs some memory to print the trace or walk the trace (this is fuzzy, I think it might not need memory, but I can't remember exactly).

You can override the handling of memory errors by defining it yourself:

extern(C) void onInvalidMemoryOperationError(void *pretend_sideeffect = null) @trusted pure nothrow @nogc
   // try to print stack trace here yourself...

A very *very* common reason this is triggered is because a GC destructor is trying to allocate memory (this is not allowed during GC cleanup). But without knowing the trace, it's really hard to find it.


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