On Tuesday, 26 January 2021 at 17:40:36 UTC, methonash wrote:
foreach( i, ref pStr; sortedArr )
    foreach( j, ref cStr; sortedArr[ i + 1 .. $ ] )
        if( indexOf( pStr, cStr ) > -1 )
            // ...

Before adding the code excerpt above, the Dlang program was taking ~1 second on an input file containing approx. 64,000 strings.

By adding the code above, the program now takes 6 minutes to complete.

It would be much easier for us to help you with this if you could post the full program, or at the very least a reduced version that reproduces the same issue. [1] Since your attempts so far have failed to fix the problem, it is quite likely that some part of the code you do not suspect is actually to blame.

[1] https://idownvotedbecau.se/nomcve/

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