On 2/5/21 1:10 PM, Rumbu wrote:

I gave up after reading a lot, but I didn't manage to understand the meaning "&& ..."

I think it's the universal reference.

template <typename...Tables> static uint8_t composite_index_size(Tables const&... tables) { return (composite_index_size(tables.size(), impl::bits_needed(sizeof...(tables))) && ...) ? 2 : 4; }

With some guesses, I made the following compile:

import std.meta : staticMap;
import std.algorithm : sum;

ubyte composite_index_size(tables...)() {
  return (composite_index_size(tables.length,
bits_needed(staticMap!(SizeOf, typeof(tables)))))
          ? 2
          : 4;

auto composite_index_size(size_t count, size_t total) {
  return 42;

enum SizeOf(T) = T.sizeof;

auto bits_needed(size_t[] args...) {
  return args.sum;

void main() {
  int[] i;
  double[] d;
  pragma(msg, composite_index_size!(i, d));


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