I want to reuse existing C++ code in a new project that I am writing in D and I want to use D in an existing C++ code base (it is not large). I do not anticipate interop being an issue.

I am wondering if mixing D and C++ is a common practice? If it is a common practice, is anyone is currently doing this in an open source project that I can use as a reference to learn from.

I am also looking to choose a build system that has IDE support (I use Emacs but I want to be able to use tooling with support for auto-completion). I have used CMake in the past for a couple of C++ projects but I do not want to use it for D projects if it is not commonly used or supported. The C++ project I have written is currently built using Rake (it is basically a Ruby library that allows you to write Makefiles in Ruby). All of my D projects have basically been single file projects so far.

This is my first post on this forum so I want to introduce myself. I am new to the D programming language (I have been using it for about a month for minor projects). I replaced an AutoHotKey script using the Windows API that I was using for maximizing Windows across multiple monitors on Windows 10. I also used D lang for processing data (converted data for use in another script, checked data invariants) for commercial purposes.

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