Dlang and curly brace language noob here. I'm trying to work with the raylib-d library. I downloaded raylib-d using dub, and I installed raylib with my package manager on Manjaro. I'm getting a mismatch in the arguments I'm passing to LoadTexture.

source/app.d(7,32): Error: function raylib.LoadTexture(const(char)* fileName) is not callable using argument types (string)

In the raylib-d docs/cheatsheet it says LoadTexture uses a string as an argument.The original raylib docs/cheatsheet says it's a const(char)* value. So it seems I'm using the C version instead of the D version? The relevant section of the code below is

import raylib;

void main()
        InitWindow(800, 600, "Hello, Raylib-D!");
        string fname = "assets/tile_022.png";
        Texture2D player = LoadTexture(fname);
        while (!WindowShouldClose()){

        "authors": [
        "copyright": "Copyright © 2021, Me",
        "dependencies": {
                "raylib-d": "~>3.0.3"
        "description": "A minimal D application.",
        "libs": [
        "license": "proprietary",
        "name": "raylib_test"

Does anyone know why this is happening?

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