On Tuesday, 16 March 2021 at 17:26:01 UTC, Vinod K Chandran wrote:
Hi all,
I am creating a Button class with Win32 API functions. So far so good. I am using NM_CUSTOMDRAW message to change the back color of my buttons. It's really easy to change the back color in this way. But I can't change the text color of my button. This is my pseudo code.
uint setBtnBackColor( LPNMCUSTOMDRAW  lp) {

    SetTextColor(lp.hdc, RGB(102, 255, 51) )    // Not working

    if lp.uItemState & CDIS_SELECTED { //----------- btn clicked
        // Change back color using SelectObject & FillRect
        // Its Working. No probs.
    elseif lp.uItemState & CDIS_HOT { //------------Mouse over
        // Change back color using SelectObject & FillRect
        // Its Working. No probs.
    else { // ---------Default state of button
         // Change back color using SelectObject & FillRect
        // Its Working. No probs.
What is wrong in my approach ?

I'm afraid you have to do everything yourself, including draw the text and call SetTextColor() on the associated HDC (that you have used in the DrawText() for exe)

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