On 2011-02-26 17:06, Mike Wey wrote:
On 02/26/2011 11:49 AM, Jacob Carlborg wrote:
On 2011-02-26 01:28, simendsjo wrote:
C is not my strong side, so I'm having some problems wrapping some code.

I found a couple of sources on this:
1) http://www.digitalmars.com/d/2.0/htomodule.html
2) http://www.digitalmars.com/d/2.0/interfaceToC.html

C's long is the same as D's int.
long long is long

C 32bit's long long is D's long, C 64 bits long is D's long.

So.. A long in C is the same as the platform size? And long long doesn't
exist in 64 bit?

In general you can follow the table at

But when it comes to "long" in C you have to be careful. On 32bit
platforms a C "long" will be 32bit long. But on 64bit platforms it
depends of what data model is used. To simplify things:

* On Windows 64bit a C "long" will be 32bit long
* On Posix 64bit a C "long" will be 64bit long.

What you can do is to create an alias called "c_long" and "c_ulong",
something like this:

version (D_LP64)
version (Windows)
alias int c_long;
alias uint c_ulong;

alias long c_long;
alias ulong c_ulong;

alias int c_long;
alias uint c_ulong;

To read more about data models:

You can also import core.stdc.config witch defines both c_long and c_ulong.

Yeah, I always forgets that module in druntime, even though it's based on Tango where I do remember it.

/Jacob Carlborg

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