On Mon, 28 Feb 2011 08:30:02 -0500, Tyro[a.c.edwards] <nos...@home.com> wrote:

On 2/28/2011 9:58 PM, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
On Mon, 28 Feb 2011 07:34:39 -0500, Tyro[a.c.edwards] <nos...@home.com>

The bellow code attempts to use LoadStringA() to initialize _buf.
However, regardless of what form _buf takes, the body of the if
statement is always executed. I've attempted to use every type of
string available in D to include char* _buf[MAX_RESSTRING+1] and
setting _buf[MAX_RESSTRING] = '\0'; What am I doing incorrectly?
Any assistance is greatly appreciated.

class ResString
enum { MAX_RESSTRING = 255 }

alias getBuffer this;
@property string getBuffer() { return _buf; }

this(HINSTANCE hInst, int resId)
_buf.length = MAX_RESSTRING;


if(!LoadStringA(hInst, resId, cast(char*)toStringz(_buf), _buf.length
+ 1))
throw new WinException("Load String failed");

string _buf;

You should not be overwriting buf, it is immutable. You need to make a
new buffer each time.

this(HINSTANCE hInst, int resId)

auto mybuf = new char[MAX_RESSTRING];
auto nchars = LoadStringA(hInst, resId, mybuf.ptr, mybuf.length);
throw new WinException("Load String failed");
_buf = assumeUnique(mybuf[0..nchars]);


If this isn't working, you might consider that the string you are trying
to load doesn't actually exist (that is a valid condition). What is the
error from GetLastError ?


Both implementations results in error code 1812 being returned from GetLastError. explanation of the code reads:

      1812 (0x714)
      The specified image file did not contain a resource section.

The code I'm porting initially consisted of a resource.h file, a generic.rc file and two icons. I have not tried to include the icons and generic.rc file in the compilation because I do not know how to as yet and I've only used half of the resource.h file: didn't think I need the whole thing. Could this be the reason for the error? If so could you direct me to the explanation of how to prepare these files for inclusion in the compilation process?

No clue, sorry. I build D mostly on linux, on windows only when I have to. Look on digitalmars.com for Windows programming. Or try google.


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