Reading the documentation on RefCounted I get the impression that the following can lead to memory errors. Could someone explain exactly how that could happen? I suppose that problem would be the call something to do with front?

private struct RefCountedRangeReturnType(R)
    import std.typecons : RefCounted;
    private RefCounted!R r;
    auto empty() { return r.refCountedPayload.empty; }
    auto front() { return r.refCountedPayload.front; }
    void popFront() { r.refCountedPayload.popFront; }
auto save() { return typeof(this)(RefCounted!R(; }

auto refCountedRange(R)(R r)
    import std.typecons : RefCounted;
    return  RefCountedRangeReturnType!R(RefCounted!R(r));

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