On Thursday, 13 May 2021 at 14:10:08 UTC, cc wrote:
Does something to dequote (unquote? or what would you call it?) a string exist in the standard library? I didn't see one in std.string, just wondering before reinventing the wheel.

Something like:
assert(dequote(`"foo"`) == "foo");
assert(dequote(`'foo'`) == "foo");
assert(dequote(`"foo's"`) == "foo's");
assert(dequote(`'foo "bar"'`) == `foo "bar"`);
assert(dequote(`"fo\"o"`) == `fo"o`);
dequote(`"fo"o"`); // bad quoting, maybe throw an exception here or something?

I called mine `unquoted`[1] and `unsinglequoted`. Not very imaginative, I concede.

I also assumed ASCII and fearlessly sliced `line[1..$-1]`, which you may or may not be able to do.

private T unenclosed(char token = '"', T)(const T line) pure nothrow @nogc
if (isSomeString!T)
    enum escaped = "\\" ~ token;

    if (line.length < 2)
        return line;
    else if ((line[0] == token) && (line[$-1] == token))
        if ((line.length >= 3) && (line[$-2..$] == escaped))
            // End quote is escaped
            return line;

        return line[1..$-1].unenclosed!token;
        return line;

pragma(inline, true)
T unquoted(T)(const T line) pure nothrow @nogc
    return unenclosed!'"'(line);

assert(`"Lorem ipsum sit amet"`.unquoted == "Lorem ipsum sit amet"); assert(`"""""Lorem ipsum sit amet"""""`.unquoted == "Lorem ipsum sit amet");
    // Unbalanced quotes are left untouched
assert(`"Lorem ipsum sit amet`.unquoted == `"Lorem ipsum sit amet`);
    assert(`"Lorem \"`.unquoted == `"Lorem \"`);
    assert("\"Lorem \\\"".unquoted == "\"Lorem \\\"");
    assert(`"\"`.unquoted == `"\"`);

pragma(inline, true)
T unsinglequoted(T)(const T line) pure nothrow @nogc
    return unenclosed!'\''(line);

// ...

I'm not sure it's quite correct for all valid inputs but it worked well enough for my purposes.

[1]: http://lu.dpldocs.info/lu.string.unquoted.html

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