On 14.05.21 12:00, PinDPlugga wrote:
Hi thank you both for your answers. I had understood from an earlier chapter how this could introduce a bug, but I was confused because the warning suggests attaching ```return``` to the parameter, which is empty in the declaration.

`this` is considered a hidden parameter. Every non-static method has it.

So my next question would be how come ref based operator overloads are not labelled as return and do not show this warning?

``` D
struct Fraction {
     auto n = 0L;
     auto d = 1L;

     ref Fraction opUnary(string op)()
     if (op == "++") {
         n += d;
         return this;

ref Fraction foo() {
     auto f = Fraction(1, 3);

     // Same bug as with reduce
     return ++f;

Note that opUnary is not an ordinary method. It's a template. That means attributes are inferred [1], including the `return` attribute. I.e., the compiler adds `return` to the signature for you, just like Steven suggested you do manually.

Try omitting the return type of `reduce` in your original code:

     ref reduce() { ... }

That also enables attribute inference, and your code will compile.

[1] https://dlang.org/spec/function.html#function-attribute-inference

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