On Thursday, 27 May 2021 at 12:17:36 UTC, Christian Köstlin wrote:
Can you explain me, where here a double context is needed? Because all data now should be passed as arguments to amap?

Kind regards,

I believe D's type system isn't smart enough to see independence between context and closure, otherwise your original example would also work as users and servers are context independent.

What about:

string doSomething(string[] servers, string user) {
    return user ~ servers[0];
void main() {
    static servers = ["s1", "s2", "s3"];
    static users = ["u1", "u2", "u3"];
    static lambda = (string user) => servers.doSomething(user);
    writeln(map!(user => servers.doSomething(user))(users));

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