D under dmd/Win10/64-bit currently seems to store strings (slices) internally like so:
static struct DString {
        size_t length;
        immutable(char)* ptr;
static assert(DString.sizeof == string.sizeof);
string s = "abcde";
DString d;
memcpy(&d, &s, s.sizeof);
assert(d.length == s.length);
assert(d.ptr == s.ptr);

If I write a DLL export like:
extern(C) export string someDLLFunc() {
        return "hello";
and import it in C# (VS .NET):
struct DString {
        public long length;
        public IntPtr ptr;
extern DString someDLLFunc();
DString d = someDLLFunc();
System.Console.WriteLine("dstr: {0} : {1}", d.length, d.ptr);
Though C# seems to properly be getting 16 bytes as the return value from `someDLLFunc()`, the length and ptr parameters are both 0.

If I explicitly pass a struct back from D instead like so:
static struct DString {
        size_t length;
        immutable(char)* ptr;
        this(string str) {
                length = str.length;
                ptr = str.ptr;
extern(C) export DString someDLLFunc() {
        return DString("hello");
it seems to work as expected with the same C# code. Does D explicitly disallow slices as an extern(C) export parameter type?

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