El 01/03/2011 16:05, Ali Çehreli escribió:
On 02/28/2011 07:39 PM, Tom wrote:

 > foo([[1,2],[3,4],[5,6]]); // ERROR [1]
 > bar([[1,2],[3,4],[5,6]]); // OK
 > foo!int([[1,2],[3,4],[5,6]]); // OK


 > void foo(T)(T[2][] t) {
 > writeln(typeid(t));
 > }
 > void bar(T)(T[][] t) {
 > writeln(typeid(t));
 > }

On 03/01/2011 04:30 AM, bearophile wrote:

 > Ali Çehreli:
 >> That's because the type of literals like [1, 2] are slices (dynamic
 >> arrays), not fixed-sized arrays.
 > Then why is this accepted?
 > foo!int([[1,2],[3,4],[5,6]]); // OK

If I have to guess, I think supplying T as int now becomes a problem of
matching [1,2] with int[2] and it already works:

int[2] a = [1, 2];
int[2][] b = [ [1, 2] ];

I don't know whether the compiler should go the extra mile and help Tom
in the original case. :-/


I should post on D newsgroup. Perhaps Walter or Andrei could enlight us about this.


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