On 6/18/21 12:40 AM, Mathias LANG wrote:
On Thursday, 17 June 2021 at 21:41:28 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
A final switch on an enum complains if you don't handle all the enum's cases. I like this feature.

However, sometimes the data I'm switching on is coming from elsewhere (i.e. a user), and while I want to enforce that the data is valid (it's one of the enum values), I don't want to crash the program if the incoming value is not correct. But final switch doesn't let me declare a default case (to throw an exception instead).

If I use a non-final switch, then my code might forget to handle one of the cases.

Oh, and to throw a monkey wrench in here, the value is a string, not an integer. So I can't use std.conv.to to verify the enum is valid (plus, then I'm running a switch twice).

Any ideas on better ways to handle this?

Well, if you receive an `enum` that have an out of bounds value, your problem lies in the caller, not the callee. You're breaking the most fundamental promise of a type, that is, the values it can take. And you obviously also break any `@safe` function by feeding it this value.

Yeah, I know. But I'm not receiving an enum. I'm receiving a string. But I want to handle a certain set of those strings everywhere. So what I tried is to make an enum that has those strings. Then I would use final switches whenever I handle it, so if I add a new string to the list, the compiler will tell me where I missed handling that new one.

So instead of thinking in terms of `enum`, I would say, think in them of the value, and generate the switch:
SWITCH: switch (myRawValue)
     static foreach (EV; NoDuplicates!(EnumMembers!MyEnum))
         case EV:
             // Handle;
             break SWITCH;
         throw new Exception("Invalid value: " ~ myRawValue);

The // Handle then becomes a new switch. Though maybe I can group some of them together.

I may as well use std.conv.to at that point.

I think that's what I'm probably going to do, I just wondered if there was a better way.


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