On Wednesday, 7 July 2021 at 13:49:50 UTC, MoonlightSentinel wrote:
On Wednesday, 7 July 2021 at 10:27:47 UTC, notna wrote:
On Windows:
Nice and helpful Error messages is on the top of our desires list, right?

It's hard to give proper error backtraces without debug information (-g). Anyways, I can reproduce the error when compiling with `-m32` (the default), using `-m32mscoff` and `-m64` works as expected. You should probably avoid `-m32` in general (as dub does btw).

for what it's worth...

due to license restrictions and costs we are not allowed to have the MS toolchain installed on our office clients... tried it now @HOME with the '-m64' switch anabled, as suggested by you, and can confirm, it also "just works"...

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